by Machiel Kamp | Nov 8, 2023 | News
Module Performance Requirements De gehandicapten sector en de ouderen sector staan onder grote druk. De zorg is aan het veranderen. Participatie van mensen met een handicap in de samenleving is een belangrijk thema. In de ouderenzorg is al vele het beleid erop gericht...
by Perry Willemse | Oct 17, 2023 | News
New developement at CRPG, Portugal Even during the holiday season, CRPG doesn’t stop. With a new image, direction, administration board and a designation change that stems from the extension of CRPG’s intervention to the whole of mainland Portugal, as a...
by Machiel Kamp | Oct 17, 2023 | News
Voluntary – involuntary care The healthcare sector strives to focus on the individual in their care, but in practice, care providers often make decisions on behalf of their clients based on their goodwill and commitment. However, this approach may be done on an...
by Perry Willemse | Sep 20, 2023 | News
SMMCO’s 5th meeting After holiday meeting When working with on a international project and entering the holdiday period its quite a challenge to get everyone together. This was the reason that for the first time we were not complete but continued our...
by Perry Willemse | Sep 20, 2023 | News
2e nieuwsbrief Werkzaamheden door laten gaan tijdens vakantieperioden is voor elke organisatie een uitdaging. Wanneer deze gepland moeten worden tijdens een internationaal project, is het een hele klus om alles te organiseren en uit te stippelen. Na uiteindelijk een...
by Perry Willemse | Aug 22, 2023 | News
Our 4th SMMCO meeting 24th July time for the 4th online Transnational meeting, Working hard to make sure that all the 7th sessions including the 14 subjects are ready for the trial period in September this year.