by Perry Willemse | Jul 23, 2023 | News
Introductie Na een goede start en hard werken zijn we trots om de eerste SMMCO nieuwsbrief met u te delen. Dit Europese Erasmus+ (SMMCO) project is van start gegaan, dankzij vele zorgmedewerkers (van alle lagen van de organisatie) in de wereld die zich voor anderen...
by Perry Willemse | Jun 25, 2023 | News
3rd SMMCO meeting | 2nd of May 2023 Our 3rd meeting was supposed to start every first Monday in the month. But Labour Day (Primeiro de Maio, Fiesta de la Exaltación del Trabajo ) is not mend to forget. This day is important for us all. Therefore we all agreed to have...
by Perry Willemse | Apr 17, 2023 | News
CRPG to collaborate with SMMCO In late March, through its Newsletter, CRPG publicly presented its most recent collaboration in na international partnership in the Support Module for Management of Care Organizations project. The news refers that the SMMCO project is...
by Perry Willemse | Apr 14, 2023 | News
2nd meeting and 1st online (3rd April 2023) After the first productive meeting, it was obvious that a second meeting had to be considered.Working with people who want to make sure that productivity will increase the outcome of the project, we joined forces again. In...
by Perry Willemse | Apr 1, 2023 | News
Best Buddies Erasmus+ promoters are being awarded After a fruitful meeting for designing a new module for care workers to increase the quality of life for people with a handicap. All the participants were delighted to be awarded a ‘Willemstad Pootersociety’...
by Machiel Kamp | Mar 17, 2023 | News
The first SMMCO meeting is a fact On March 6 and 7, 2023 the partners of the Erasmus+ Project met for the first time offline. During the first meeting all partners confirmed to the ‘Support Module for Managers of Care Organisations'(SMMCO). SMMCO partners flew in from...