First round SMMCO project CRPG

The first round of piloting the SMMCO project ended after analyzing the evaluations that each partner had collected from the participants. Despite the differences between the 3 national contexts, analyzing the results of this evaluation allows us to improve the...

Transnational SMMCO Erasmus+ Meeting in Mallorca

The partners from Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain attended in Mallorca the 3rd transnational meeting of the project ‘Support Module for Managers of Care Organisations’ (SMMCO). The meeting has been an opportunity to exchange the different experience of providing...

Spreken over mijn leven

Soms tijdens het surfen op het net kom je in aanraking met onderwerpen die je bezig houden. Voor het SMMCO Erasmus+ program houden we ons bezig met het verhogen van de kwaliteit van leven voor mensen met een beperking. Dit onderwerp of beter gezegd ‘kwaliteit van...

Transnational meeting Majorca

After extensive research and creating the SMMCO international module for ‘Self-Directed-Support’. All participating organisations finished their pilot training provided to managers, carers, and students of different organisations and universities in Spain, Portugal,...