The partners from Portugal, The Netherlands and Spain attended in Mallorca the 3rd transnational meeting of the project ‘Support Module for Managers of Care Organisations’ (SMMCO). The meeting has been an opportunity to exchange the different experience of providing the pilot training module developed. The feedback of every partner’s practise has been very useful to make some changes in the module and to improve it for the second round.

Miss Mila González Pérez teaching the SMMCO module to students of the University of Balearic Islands in January 2024. All partners visited the university in Mallorca due to its interest to participate at a next application of Erasmus+ together with us.

SMMCO partners visited the Town Council of Campanet in Mallorca appreciating the mayor Mr. Guillem Rosselló his cooperation through the participation of the Social Cooperative SI and the Day Centre for older persons of the town with the Erasmus+ project.

During the transnational meeting in Mallorca it was in the agenda a visit to the Day Centre of Campanet for the elderly. The first training of SMMCO Erasmus+ project has had a positive impact on the staff of the centre to improve the person-centred services and to implement the self-directed support.

During the visit, we celebrated 100 years birthday of Mss. Esperança (Hope), a happy woman who lives in a very good healthy state.