The first SMMCO meeting is a fact

On March 6 and 7, 2023 the partners of the Erasmus+ Project met for the first time offline. During the first meeting all partners confirmed to the ‘Support Module for Managers of Care Organisations'(SMMCO).

SMMCO partners flew in from Spain, Mallorca (Si Servei de Support IO Accessibilitat, S.Coop) and Portugal (CRPG – Centro de Rehabilitacao Profissional de Gaia) and supported by the partners from the Netherlands ( Willemse Consultancy and Internationaal Subsidie en Adviesbureau Strategie BV (ISAS BV) came together for the Kick off meeting of the project and started their development work.

Goal of the project

The intention of the project is to develop and implement a Support Module intended for staff, managers and the management level of care organisations. In the care sector many times is underlined that clients are the central persons. To make that possible change is needed in the traditional organisation structure, management style and culture.

A paradigm shift from supply- oriented care to demand- oriented support care is needed. This has consequences for the organisation structure, management system, competences and the way professionals in the care sector are working.

First meeting SMMCO partners

The process of the project

The Support Module takes that into account and shall be an instrument to carry out demand – oriented support care. Partners shall develop  in the first phase the content of the Module.

The second phase is a try-out in the three countries. After the evaluation of the try – out a second training shall be carried out by the partners with adaptations, if needed.

When the Module is finished it shall become available for all those who are interested in demand-oriented support care.

Meeting with SMMCO partners