Best Buddies Erasmus+ promoters are being awarded

After a fruitful meeting for designing a new module for care workers to increase the quality of life for people with a handicap. All the participants were delighted to be awarded a ‘Willemstad Pootersociety’ certificate. The award is an appreciation of the municipality of Willemstad for people who express freedom and respect for all humans despite social, economic, political or religious backgrounds. The awarded associates from Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands are working together on an Erasmus+ program where they design a support module for the management of care organisations. 

The awarded people will subscribe to the same list as Mr. Athony Kennedy Shriver, the founder and chairman of ‘Best Buddies’. Mr. Kennedy Shriver an American supporter of people with a disability and the nephew of the former President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. On his visit to Willemstad (2005), he was awarded ‘Honoree Poorter’ as an appreciation of his work to increase options for people with a disability. 

The ‘Best Buddies International’ is a nonprofit organisation established in 1989 that provides adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities social inclusion and job opportunities. He has spread the organisation worldwide, and it has over 1500 chapters today. Kennedy  Shriver spoke in 2008 about the all-inclusive nature of the program:

The great thing about Best Buddies is there’s something for everybody. A quote that fits the purpose of the Erasmus+ Programm we develop states the initiator of the SMMCO Mr. Kamp.


Poorters Willemstad 

Best Buddies