

Providing support for care institutions

Welcome to SMMCO! We are a team of passionate professionals dedicated to improving the quality of care provided in institutions across various sectors, including healthcare, social services, and education. Our program is designed to equip individuals and teams with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to effectively support and enhance the care provided in these institutions.

At the heart of our approach is a commitment to promoting best practices, evidence-based approaches, and compassionate care. Our module covers a wide range of topics, including communication skills, team-building, conflict resolution, cultural competency, and person-centered care.

Our team brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, and is passionate about empowering care professionals to deliver high-quality care that truly makes a difference in the lives of those they serve. Whether you are a frontline care worker, a manager, or a trainer, our module has something to offer. So join us today, and let us help you enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, and transform the care you provide in your institution!

Supported by


Cooperativa SI

Willemse Consultancy



Who we are


Cooperativa Social Si Of Campanet (Mallorca)

Cooperativa Social SI is a non-profit cooperative that provides support services to people with special needs so that they can live as active citizens in a society for all. The organization serves people with functional diversity, elderly people and tourists with disabilities. We also provide services to inclusive employers in the open labour market. We provide solutions for labour inclusion and to keep each person at their natural living environment.


About the day care centre

The Day centre has had a regional dimension, attending people who live in Campanet, but also in Búger, Sa Pobla, Selva, Moscari, Caimari and even Inca. The centre has a capacity for 15 people and provides the following services.

The centre has a staff that is fully adapted to comply with the decree regulating these care resources. The building is accessible, bright and comfortable, all on one floor and with a garden that allows users to stroll among the fruit trees, aromatic plants and vegetables.

  • Personalised care with psychosocial support services
  • Cognitive maintenance
  • Handicraft workshops
  • Adapted yoga
  • Occupational therapy
  • Hygiene and personal care services
  • Maintenance and food services
  • Basic health care service
  • Adapted door-to-door transport service

Day care centres

Providing day care centres for elderly people

Supported employment

Customised labour inclusion in the open market.

Nautical Port Cleaning

Services to Yachting Clubs in Mallorca.

By my side

Volunteers to accompany people who find themselves alone.


Quality and accessible tourism for all, with guides and accompaniment for the elderly, families and people with a disability.

Protecting the heritage

We take care of historical heritage and promote culture at exceptional places.

Rehalibitating lands and people

by means of a signed agreement with committed owners.

Coffee shop

Social and proximity

Visit website for more information


CRPG – Centro de Reabilitação Profissional

CRPG is a vocational rehabilitation centre whose driving force is an “inclusive society, valuing the contribution and the dignity of persons with functional diversity”.  CRPG is committed to provide reference services to promote inclusive labour contexts, mobilizing the contribution of persons with functional diversity.  

At CRPG, comprehensive individual rehabilitation plans are implemented, based on biopsychosocial interventions, and support services for employers, enterprises, hospitals, insurance companies and other social partners are provided. CRPG has more than 2.300 clients per year, to whom it provides a wide scope of services, with a special emphasis on: vocational rehabilitation and return to work after accident or illness; vocational training and employment support.   

CRPG is one of the vocational training centres of Portuguese Employment and Vocational Training Institute (IEFP, IP), specialized in disability. CRPG also develops mainstream training for citizens and specialised training for staff working on social services providers. CRPG’s training courses are nationally recognised, allowing a certification, according to the Portuguese legislation. 

Quality of life model, biopsychosocial approach, rights approach and ecological interventions are the main guiding frameworks.  

CRPG is recognized by EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) as a level Committed to Excellence 3 Stars organization. 

Visit website for more information

Logo of ISAS BV



(Internationaal Subsidie en Adviesbureau Strategie BV) is established in 1992 and is specialized in developing and implementation of support and supported employment. The organisation is for many years involved in integration of persons with a disability. The CEO was national project leader of the First European Action Program for Social and Economic Integration of Persons with a disability, which started in 1981. Since that time involved in many activities and projects related to integration of persons with a disability at national and international level. ISAS BV fulfilled a central role in developing and implementation of supported employment at national and international level ( e.g. NVSE/ NVS ( Dutch Association of Supported Employment) founder member of the European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE) and founder member of the World Association of Supported Employment (WASE).Founder and Past Chair of Best Buddies Netherlands. Further Executive Board Member of GLADNET (Global Applied Disability Research and Information Network). Through those activities learned that providing support to persons with a disability is essential, not only for work, but also for all aspects of daily life. Individual tailored support can help persons with a disability to get included in the society and able them to participate.