Support module for management of care organizations
In today’s World care still seems institutionalised which mean that ‘the old institute’ is still focus on providing care based on financially turnover and time efficiency care. It seems that care is losing track of the main purpose: ‘The control and need of the client’.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
SMMCO Project
A joint cooperation of people who ‘care about care’. Four organisations from three countries. Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands
Mission & Vision
Enhancing social and economic autonomy of persons with disabilities for decent, open and inclusive society
Engage in the most advanced leadership trends, conducting prospective analysis of the environment, anticipating the needs and potentials that will emerge in the future, inspiring also the vocational rehabilitation and social services sector.
Rehabilitation and reintegration
Into active life of persons with acquired disabilities following accidents or diseases which compromise the normal development of one’s professional and life project.
Case Management
Clients are engaged in designing and managing their individual plan, supported by a case manager, in a person-centered planning approach.
Active inclusion of persons with disabilities through support to school and professional qualification, as well as access to, maintenance and return to work;
Supportive & Experienced
Passionate professionals dedicated to providing
the knowledge, skills and tools during and after the support module.
Machiel Kamp
Has worked for many years in the public sector at local level sector as policy advisor.
Andreia Mota
Psychologist, expert on vocational rehabilitation at CRPG and certified trainer.
Ferran Bellver
Psychologist and founder of Spanish Association of Supported Employment (AESE) vice-president of the European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE).
Perry willemse
With admiration for people with a disability, Perry is dedicated to providing support where needed.
Happy Faces of Happy participants